Ubisoft is coming to The Sandbox in 29 November 2023

Ubisoft, renowned for creating Assassin’s Creed, is venturing further into the blockchain space with the introduction of a new series of NFT avatars for The Sandbox, a metaverse game. These avatars draw inspiration from Ubisoft’s latest Netflix animated series, ‘Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix.’ A total of 1,866 distinct player avatars are set to be launched as NFTs on Polygon, an Ethereum scaling network.

The collection showcases reimagined versions of Ubisoft’s classic action hero Rayman, as well as Jade and Pey’j, the beloved characters from the cult classic game Beyond Good & Evil.

The minting of these avatars is scheduled for November 29, although the pricing details are yet to be disclosed. Ubisoft had previously launched Sandbox avatars based on its Rabbids franchise in February, with each avatar selling for 100 SAND.

The company has been actively engaged in the Web3 world, recently revealing plans for a complimentary Ethereum NFT drop linked to its upcoming Champions Tactics game on the Oasys blockchain. Ubisoft has also collaborated with Immutable, the gaming platform associated with the Immutable X and Immutable zkEVM networks, and has shown support for the Cronos and Hedera ecosystems.


Imagine we could play Assassin’s Creed characters in The Sandbox Style. :rocket:


And also the NFT collections from Ubisoft, it would be great for the fan :wink: